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New version of FastX -- FastX2 -- now available

Date Posted: May 21, 2015

We now have a new version of FastX servers  – FastX2 – installed on all CHPC interactive nodes and on the frisco nodes. To use the new version you will have to get a new FastX2 version of the client. The new client has different look and feel from the 1st generation product; in addition it no longer checks licenses and also has a web browser based interface. 

There is a new documentation page with details of both getting the new client and how to use it:

We strongly suggest that users start to migrate their FastX usage to the new FastX2 servers/clients by starting all new sessions with FastX2 so that as you finish work in any currently existing sessions in FastX you can close them, as we are seeing fewer issues with sessions hanging and not being accessible.

At some point in the future (still working on details of when) we will retire access to the original version of FastX.  Before we do so, we will provide at least a two week notice.

For those of you who have a FastX server installation and wish to move to this new version, please contact us.

Last Updated: 1/8/25