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Issues with /scratch/general/lustre

Date Posted: December 15th, 2017

UPDATE: 12/18/2017, 6:07 p.m.

The /scratch/general/lustre file system is available for use.  If you have any problems, please report them to CHPC by opening up a new ticket at

UPDATE: 12/18/2017, 3:24 p.m.

Even though the /scratch/general/lustre file system is online at this time, please DO NOT make use of the file system until we send out a message saying that it is available for use. 

At this point, the replacement hardware has been installed and the file system rebuild has finished.  However there still remains a warning light that is being investigated.

UPDATE: 5 p.m.

The /scratch/general/lustre file system is down again due to additional drive issues.  Replacement hardware will arrive Monday, December 18th, and the vendor is also doing additional diagnostics on the hardware and logs.

Until further notice, please make use of the other scratch options such as /scratch/kingspeak/serial or /scratch/local/

Once the new hardware is in place and the file system has been rebuilt, the file system will be made available for use.


We are working on drive issues on the /scratch/general/lustre file system that are making it unresponsive.  We will post additional information as it is available

Last Updated: 1/8/25