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Spring 2015 CHPC Presentation Schedule

All presentations  are 1-2pm INSCC auditorium unless noted otherwise
* These classes are 1-3pm in INSCC Auditorium
** BMI Classroom  (421 Wakara Way Room 1470) at 2-3pm

*** XSEDE Workshop schedules will be posted when available; these typically run from about 9am to 3 pm with an hour break along the way; users will need to register at XSEDE site. 


Presentation Title
Friday January 9th XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop: OpenMP*** XSEDE (Martin Cuma Local Host)
Tuesday January 13th Overview of CHPC Anita Orendt
Tuesday January 20th Protected Environment at CHPC** Sean Igo
Tuesday January 27th Introduction to Linux, part 1* Anita Orendt and Albert Lund
Tuesday February 3rd Introduction to Linux, part 2* Albert Lund and Anita Orendt
Friday February 6 XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop: OpenACC*** XSEDE
Tuesday February 10th Introduction to Linux, part 3* Albert Lund and Anita Orendt
Tuesday February 10th NLP and AI Services at CHPC** Sean Igo
Tuesday February 17th Introduction to Parallel Computing Martin Cuma
Thursday February 19th Getting Started with Modules Wim Cardoen
Tuesday February 24th Hands-on Introduction to Python, Part 1* Wim Cardoen and Walter Scott
Thursday February 26th Getting Started with Modules Wim Cardoen
Tuesday March 3rd Hands-on Introduction to Python, Part 2* Wim Cardoen and Walter Scott
Thursday March 5th Advanced Module Use Wim Cardoen
Wednesday- Thursday March 4th - 5th XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop: MPI*** XSEDE (Martin Cuma Local Host)
Tuesday March 10th Hands-on Introduction to Numpy/Scipy* Wim Cardoen and Walter Scott
Tuesday March 17th SLURM Batch System Overview and Policies Martin Cuma
Tuesday March 24th Intel Software Development Tools Martin Cuma
Thursday March 26th SLURM Batch System Overview and Policies Martin Cuma
Tuesday April 7th XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop: Big Data XSEDE (Martin Cuma Local Host)
Last Updated: 1/8/25